Figure 5.
AIR-2 activity mediates some of lab-1(tm1791) meiotic defects. (A) LAB-1 and GFP∷AIR-2 localization during meiosis in lab-1(tm1791) mutants. Arrows indicate lagging chromosomes during anaphase I. Arrowhead indicates polar body I. Bar, 2 μm. (B) Embryonic lethality, larval lethality, and incidence of males among the progeny of hermaphrodites of the indicated genotypes. Error bars represent standard deviation of the mean. (C) Defect in chromosome segregation in lab-1(tm1791); GFP∷AIR-2 embryos. Anaphase in the one-cell embryo. Arrowhead indicates chromosome unattached to the spindle. Asterisks indicate both meiotic polar bodies. Bar, 5 μm. (D) Time-lapse analysis of the first mitotic division in GFP∷AIR-2 and lab-1(tm1791); GFP∷AIR-2 embryos (n = 10, respectively). Arrows show unattached chromosomes. Filled arrowheads indicate the polar body. Open arrowheads point to the spindle midzone where AIR-2 migrates during anaphase. Bar, 10 μm.