Figure 7.
Expression of a GFP∷SGO-1 transgene and sgo-1(RNAi) phenotype. (A) GFP∷SGO-1∷Flag (anti-Flag) colocalizes with AIR-2 on the short arms of bivalents in −1 oocytes, is present along the interface of homologs setting up to segregate away from each other at metaphase I, and on segregating chromatids at anaphase II. Bars: −1 diakinesis, 0.5 μm; metaphase I and anaphase II, 2 μm. (B) Normal homolog segregation, as well as AIR-2, phospho H3, and LAB-1 localization on meiosis I chromosomes, in most sgo-1-depleted oocytes. (C) The small number of homolog segregation defects observed in sgo-1-depleted cells include chromosomal bridges (arrow in anaphase I) and failure of polar body extrusion (arrow in prepronuclear fusion) (n = 2/20, respectively). Male and female pronuclei as seen in the end of meiosis II (encircled oocyte) are indicated. Bars: metaphase I and anaphase I, 2 μm; prepronuclear fusion, 10 μm.