Downregulation of ING4 enhances cell motility. A, The downregulation of ING4 by four different siRNAs was detected by mouse monoclonal anti-ING4 antibody. B, RKO cells transfected with the four ING4 siRNAs for 72 h were starved and used for the cell spreading assay. After 30 min serum stimulation, average cell surface area was measured (Supplementary Fig. S5). C, RKO cells transfected with the four ING4 siRNAs for 72 h were used for the cell spreading assay as same as A. Quantitative data were presented as percent of cells with filo/lamellipodia (Supplementary Fig. S5). D, The modified Boyden chamber assay was carried out by using RKO cells transfected with ING4-siRNAs for 72 h.