K14/mIGF-1 construct and transgene expression. A: Schematic representation of the of K14/mIGF-1 expression cassette. B: Northern blot analysis of total skin RNA samples using a rat mIGF-1 cDNA probe shows the transgene-derived mRNA (red arrow) in the highest expressing line tg C and in the lower expressing line tg F. No transgene-derived transcript is detectable in the wild-type skin sample. C: Northern blot analysis of total RNA from skin (sk), liver (liv), and heart (ht), using the human K14 poly A probe, shows that expression of the transgene is skin-specific in both transgenic lines C and F. D and E: Nonradioactive in situ hybridization of sections from adult back skin of a transgenic animal (line C) with a rat mIGF-1 cDNA probe shows expression of the transgene in the basal layer of the epidermis (b) and in the bulge region (bg) and the outer root sheath of the hair follicle (outer root sheath). Original magnifications, ×40.