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. 2008 Nov;57(11):3136–3144. doi: 10.2337/db07-1731


Coverage of 10,762 HapMap SNPs (MAF > 0.05)* within −10 kb/+5 kb of 222 candidate genes

SNPs −10 kb/+5 kb of gene
Number of SNPs analyzed Number captured Percent captured
SNPs genotyped on GWA panel only 2,150 8,507 79.04
All 3,531 genotyped SNPs 3,531 10,299 95.74
Genotyped and imputed SNPs from GWA panel only 10,596 10,647 98.93
All 3,531 genotyped and 7,498 imputed SNPs 11,029 10,752§ 99.91

MAF > 0.05 in HapMap CEU.

Genotyped SNPs are located within −50 kb/+50 kb of a gene but may not be within −10 kb/+5 kb of a gene. Imputed SNPs are all located within −10 kb/+5 kb of a gene.

HapMap SNPs genotyped, imputed, or tagged (r2> 0.8) by a genotyped SNP.


A total of 10,752 includes 3,187 genotyped SNPs, 7,498 imputed SNPs, and 67 SNPs tagged (r2> 0.8) by a genotyped SNP.