siRNA knockdown of PKA inhibited DHEA-stimulated phosphorylation of
FoxO1. A, HAECs were transfected with scrambled control siRNA
(lanes 1–3) or siRNA specifically targeting PKA (lanes
4–6). 48 h after transfection, cells were serum-starved for 6 h and
treated with vehicle or DHEA (100 nm, 30 min) as indicated. Whole
cell lysates were immunoblotted with antibodies against phospho-FoxO1, FoxO1,
PKA, or β-actin. Representative immunoblots are shown for experiments
that were repeated independently three times. B, immunoblots from
three independent experiments were quantified by scanning densitometry, and
the amounts of phospho-FoxO1 were normalized to total FoxO1. Results in the
bar graph are the mean ± S.E.