α2-Macroglobulin is preferentially expressed in
glia. Retinas were dissected from normal or day 21 glaucoma eyes, and
sections were prepared for in situ mRNA hybridization with
DIG-labeled probes specific for α2M or Amphiphysin-1. A, normal
versus glaucoma retinas labeled with α2M probes. Note the
increase in α2M labeling intensity in the glaucoma retina. B,
glaucoma retinas labeled with α2M probes, followed by staining with
neutral red to show cell bodies (e.g. arrows in the retinal ganglion
cell layer, GCL). C, normal versus glaucoma retinas labeled
with Amphiphysin-1 probes. Note the reduction in Amphiphysin-1 labeling
intensity in the glaucoma retina. GCL, retinal ganglion cell layer;
IPL, inner plexiform layer; INL, inner nuclear layer;
OPL, outer plexiform layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer;
PRL, photoreceptor layer.