Strain inhibits GSK3β action through an LRP-independent
process. A, Western blot of GSK3β phosphorylation (serine 9)
showed an increase at 30 min of strain and a peak response at 1 h. Actin
protein was blotted as a control for equal protein loading. B,
Western blot of Akt phosphorylation (serine 473) showed a strong increase at
15 min of strain, with the response returning to base line at 1 h. C,
strain up-regulation of WISP1 and COX2 expression was not disrupted by
treatment with the LRP5 inhibitor Dkk-1 (50 ng/ml). WISP1 and COX2 expression
at 4 h of strain were evaluated by real time RT-PCR. Cultures were treated
with Dkk-1 1 h prior to strain initiation. The data were normalized to the
expression level measured in basal control cells. Data were compiled from
three experiments and shown as mean ± S.E. *, shows
significant effect of strain, p < 0.05. D, Western blots
showed that Dkk-1 did not block the increase in phospho-GSK3β
(Ser9) and phospho-Akt (Ser473) levels by strain.
GSK3β was evaluated at 60 min of strain, and Akt was evaluated at 30 min.
E, confocal microscopy showed that Dkk-1 did not block strain-induced
nuclear translocation of active β-catenin. Active β-catenin level
was assessed by immunofluorescence (top) 15 min after strain
initiation. Merged images of active β-catenin and nuclear DAPI
staining are shown in the bottom.