Disruption ofγ-secretase activity expands distal epithelial
cell fate and increases distal proliferation during branching. WMISH of
Titf1 (A), Sfptc (C), and Bmp4
(E) in control lungs at 48 h shows increased or selective expression
of these genes in the epithelium of distal buds (arrowhead) and
little to no expression in proximal epithelium (white brackets).
These distal marker genes are ectopically expressed in proximal regions of
DAPT-treated (50 μm) lungs (arrowhead near white
bracket in B, D, and F). Immunostaining of Titf1
(A and B, right) confirms strong ectopic expression in the
proximal region of DAPT-treated lungs. G and H, WMISH of
Sox2 shows typical expression in proximal epithelium of controls and
marked reduction in the Sox2 domain by DAPT (note preserved
expression in main bronchi (br)). I and K,
immunohistochemistry analysis of Ki-67 (green) and F-actin
(red) in controls shows Ki-67 labeling associated mostly with budding
regions (terminal and lateral buds; circled area). In DAPT-treated
lungs, Ki-67 was increased where ectopic buds formed (compare the F-actin and
Ki-67 expression in proximal regions in I and J).
J, the increased diffuse Ki67 labeling in the most superficial layer
of the proximal mesenchyme partially obscures F-actin signals. K,
quantitative analysis of Ki-67-positive cells in budding regions of control
and DAPT groups (upper panels, representative field) shows increased
labeling in both epithelium and mesenchyme of DAPT (graph shows the
percentage of positive cells among total cells; mean ± S.E.; n
= 4; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01);
all plates are representative of n > 3 explants. Bar
(B), 400 μm.