Effects of Rad51 overexpression in rad52 truncation mutants. A, overexpression of Rad51 suppresses the γ-ray sensitivity of rad52-Δ327-YFP and rad52-Δ307-YFP strains. Strains transformed with a Rad51 overexpression plasmid (+Rad51 ↑) or empty vector (-) were spotted as serial 10-fold dilutions on SC-Ura plates containing galactose and irradiated with the indicated dose. Pictures were captured after 2 days of incubation. B, overexpression of Rad51 leads to formation of MMS-induced Rad52 foci in rad52-Δ307-YFP strains. Strains RAD52-YFP and rad52-Δ307-YFP transformed with a Rad51 overexpression plasmid (+Rad51 ↑) or the corresponding empty plasmid (-) were quantified for focus formation. The percentage of cells containing at least one focus was determined, and the results are presented in a histogram for three different cell types. Gray bars, unbudded cells; blue bars, small budded cells; purple bars, large budded cells.