Fig. 3.
Short-term treatment of T1DM NOD mice with AAT specifically restores immune tolerance to α cells. Group A, NOD.SCID (donor), NOD-sp (spontaneous DIA NOD mice; recipient). Group B, NOD.SCID (donor), NOD-sp/stz (a STZ-induced diabetic state was induced in NOD recipients; recipient). Group C, C57BL/6 (donor), NOD-sp/stz (recipient). Groups B and C have prior treatment with AAT. Spontaneously diabetic NOD mice were previously restored to a euglycemic after onset of diabetes by AAT therapy. These mice remained (groups B and C) euglycemic 200–300 days after the cessation of treatment. Syngeneic (groups A and B) NOD.SCID islet or allogeneic C57BL/6 (group C) islet grafts were transplanted into NOD recipients.