Fractionation of endogenous and ectopically
expressed G proteins and caveolin from TX-100 extracts of MDCK
epithelial cells. Stably transfected MDCK cells that ectopically
express αo (panel A) were compared with G418-resistant
control cells that had been stably transfected with the empty vector
(panel B). Four milliliters of detergent extract, adjusted to 40%
sucrose, was loaded at the bottom of a tube followed by a 7-ml linear
gradient of 30–5% sucrose. After centrifugation, 0.8-ml fractions
were collected from the top of the gradients, half of which was
acetone-precipitated and analyzed by Western
immunoblotting. Most of the cellular protein (assayed
by Ponceau S staining of the blots, not shown) remains below the
gradient in the five bottom fractions (numbered 10–14). Ectopically
expressed αo (A) consistently comigrates with endogenous
αi, β, and caveolin (cav) in detergent-resistant,
low-density fractions centered around fraction 6 (A and B).
αi was detected by B087 antiserum (1:10,000 dilution),
β by B600 antiserum (1:10,000), αo by culture medium
from Mab 2A-producing cells (1:500), and caveolin (cav) by the purified
polyclonal antibodies (30 ng/ml). Not shown are results for
αs, which comigrates with the other G protein subunits
from MDCK and MA104 cells.