Kinetics of TPrA block depends on the extracellular sodium concentration. (A) Single-channel openings (left) in the absence of TPrA (left trace) and the presence of 2 mM TPrA (right trace) with isometric 130-mM NaCl solutions at 40 mV. The right panel depicts the normalized amplitude histogram from multiple traces as in the left panel. The β distribution fit yielded parameters of β = 8,563.7 s
−1 and α = 10,971 s
−1. (B) Single-channel openings (left) in the absence of TPrA (left trace) and the presence of 2 mM TPrA (right trace) with 10 mM NaCl in the extracellular and 130 mM in the intracellular solution at 40 mV. The right panel shows the normalized amplitude histogram with the β distribution fit superimposed. The parameters of the fit are: β = 26,919 s
−1, α = 11,661 s
−1. The amplitude histogram under low extracellular sodium conditions is left-shifted, indicating faster blocker kinetics under these conditions. (C) On-rates obtained from fits of the β distribution to histograms as in B under low sodium conditions, obtained from two different patches (filled circles). The black line is a fit to an exponential of the form:
The values of the fit parameters are: k
on(0) = 1.57 × 10
6 M
−1 s
−1; z
on = 0.72 e
o. The gray line corresponds to the fit to the on-rate under isometric 130 mM NaCl conditions in
Fig. 5 C (open circles). Error bars are smaller than the symbols. The data indicate that the relief of block observed as a plateau for the on-rate at more positive potentials is a result of interactions between the blocker and the Na
+ ions in the selectivity filter, and not due to diffusion limitation. Group data are presented as mean ± SEM.