Figure 3.
Task-specific networks. (A) Colour tasks preferentially activated visual area V4 (x, y, z = −18, −75, −12; 36, −60, −21) and intraparietal sulcus (IPS) (x, y, z = −30, −69, 39; 30, −66, 42) bilaterally during both allocentric and egocentric viewpoints. Activations are rendered onto a standard template brain, and superimposed onto coronal (y = −69 mm) and transverse (z = −18 mm) slices of the averaged structural MRI. (B) TTC tasks preferentially activated left pars opercularis of the inferior frontal lobe (part of ventral premotor cortex (vPMC)) (x, y, z = −51, 6, 3) and the supramarginal gyrus of left inferior parietal lobule (IPL) (x, y, z = −63, −45, 39) during both allocentric and egocentric viewpoints. Activations are rendered onto a standard template brain, and superimposed onto saggital (x = −51 and −60 mm for vPMC and IPL activations respectively) and transverse (z = 3 and 39 mm for vPMC and IPL activations respectively) slices of the averaged structural MRI. Areas of activity common to allocentric and egocentric viewpoints were derived from a logical AND inclusive-masking procedure.