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. 2008 Nov;3(6):1807–1811. doi: 10.2215/CJN.01400308

Table 1.

Clinical data for patients

Not Transplanted (n = 25) Transplanted (n = 25) P
Age 52.7 (±10.4) 45.9 (±14.4) 0.06
Male 15 (62.5) 20 (80) 0.18
Diabetes mellitus 4 (16) 5 (20) 0.11
Past history IHD 6 (24) 4 (16) 0.48
Hypertension 24 (96) 22 (88) 0.29
Heart failure 3 (12) 1 (4) 0.29
Smoking status
    Never 8 (32) 16 (64)
    Yes 11 (44) 6 (24) 0.08
    Ex 6 (24) 3 (12)
No. on hemodialysis 12 (48) 10 (44) 0.41
Time on RRT before CMR1 (yr) 2.31 (±2.6) 3.01 (±3.0) 0.47
Drug history
    CMR1 20 (80) 18 (72) 0.51
    CMR2 20 (80) 1 (4) <0.001
Beta blocker
    CMR1 8 (32) 11 (44) 0.38
    CMR2 19 (76) 15 (60)
    CMR1 6 (24) 9 (36) 0.36
    CMR2 10 (40) 9 (36) 0.77
    CMR1 7 (28) 6 (26) 0.75
    CMR2 8 (32) 9 (36) 0.77
Calcium channel antagonist
    CMR1 2 (8) 7 (28) 0.06
    CMR2 4 (16) 6 (24) 0.48
Other clinical data
Mean SBP
    CMR1 139 (±17.2) 135 (±20.1) 0.40
    CMR2 145 (±20.5) 147 (±17.4) 0.31
Mean DBP
    CMR1 81 (±12.3) 78 (±11.5) 0.41
    CMR2 77 (±13.2) 81 (±13.1) 0.35
Mean BSA (m2) 1.86 (±0.19) 1.88 (±0.19) 0.80
Mean BMI (kg/m2)
    CMR1 26.4 (±4.0) 26.1 (±5.2) 0.79
    CMR2 26.8 (±4.1) 27.0 (±5.7) 0.92
Mean hemoglobin (g/dl)
    CMR1 12.1 (±1.8) 11.9 (±1.9) 0.61
    CMR2 13.0 (±7.0) 12.8 (±2.3) 0.89
Mean hematocrit
    CMR1 0.38 (±0.05) 0.37 (±0.06) 0.22
    CMR2 0.37 (±0.05) 0.39 (±0.06) 0.26

Data are presented as number (%) or mean ± SD. Tests of significance are t test or χ2. IHD, ischemic heart disease; RRT, renal replacement therapy; ESA, erythropoiesis stimulating agent; CMR, cardiac MRI; ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; AIIRA, angiotensin II receptor antagonist; SBP, systolic blood pressure (expressed in mmHg); DBP, diastolic blood pressure; BSA, body surface area; BMI, body mass index.