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. 2008 Nov;3(6):1807–1811. doi: 10.2215/CJN.01400308

Table 2.

Cardiac MRI results for baseline (CMR1) and second scan (CMR2)

Not Transplanted (n = 25) Transplanted (n = 25) P
Mean time between CMRs (yr) 2.4 (±1.1) 2.8 (±1.2) 0.14
Mean time transplant to CMR2 (yr) 1.8 (±0.9)
Ejection fraction (%)
    CMR1 64.2 (±12.2) 66.3 (±11.5) 0.56
    CMR2 64.7 (±11.5) 67.1 (±12.2) 0.52
LVMI (g/m2)
    CMR1 90.5 (75.1, 113.5) 94.7 (77.2, 108.7) 0.96
    CMR2 87.4 (69.3, 112.1) 99.1 (79.1, 119.9) 0.27
cEDV (ml/m2)
    CMR1 74.6 (±31.4) 69.3 (±18.9) 0.51
    CMR2 59.2 (±18.9) 62.3 (±18.6) 0.59
cESV (ml/m2)
    CMR1 28.8 (±23.3) 24.3 (±20.6) 0.55
    CMR2 21.9 (±17.4) 25.4 (±20.7) 0.51
% change ejection fraction/yr 2.1 (±11.9) −0.4 (±5.3) 0.34
% change LVMI/yr −3.6 (±16.7) 2.75 (9.1) 0.10
% change EDV/yr −3.4 (±31.5) 0.1 (±19.5) 0.64
% change ESV/yr 3.0 (±55.5) 15.2 (±65.2) 0.48
    CMR1 17 (68) 17 (68) 1.00
    CMR2 15 (60) 19 (76) 0.23
    CMR1 5 (20) 3 (12)
    CMR2 2 (8) 2 (8)
LV dilatation
    CMR1 5 (20) 4 (16)
    CMR2 1 (4) 0

Data are mean (±SD), except for LVMI on MRI where median (interquartile range) is shown. Tests of significance are t test and χ2 except LVMI on MRI for where Mann-Whitney is used. LVMI, left ventricular mass index; cEDV, corrected end-diastolic volume; cESV, corrected end-systolic volume.