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. 2008 Oct 1;31(10):1409–1417.

Table 2.

RBD Video-Polysomnographic Features of Narcolepsy+RBD Subjects Included in this Study

Patient Sex Age Age at onset, years
Vocalizations Simple and Complex Behaviors
EDS Cataplexy RBD
18 M 66 10 40 50 talking upper limb movements
19 F 36 24 24 24 talking, crying reaching, crawling
20 M 25 10 10 15 talking lower limb movements
21 M 32 11 11 12 talking
22 F 41 15 16 20 talking Grabbing
23 F 59 45 47 50 shouting
24 M 75 18 20 22 laughing Grabbing
25 M 31 15 26 28 talking reaching, grabbing
26 M 55 44 44 50 shouting arm flailing, gesturing, crawling
27 M 38 17 20 20 reaching, grabbing
28 M 24 7 n.a. 16 laughing, shouting upper/lower limb movements, sitting
29 M 44 22 22 19 laughing, shouting upper/lower limb movements, arm flailing, reaching, crawling
30 M 50 16 15 18 arm flailing, reaching
31 M 30 18 20 24 talking grabbing, punching, kicking, attempts to jump out of bed
32 F 35 14 14 25 laughing, talking Crawling
33 M 36 28 n.a. 30 laughing, talking Grabbing
34 M 20 18 19 19 grabbing, gesturing, crawling