Interaction of wild type and E1-Ran with RanBP1
and karyopherin β, assayed by ligand blotting. (A) Gel transfer
assay. A 0.5-μg sample of GST-RanBP1 and 1-μg samples of GST,
karyopherin β, and a truncated karyopherin β lacking its amino
terminal 12 residues (Δ karyopherin β) were resolved
by SDS-PAGE, transferred to nitrocellulose, renatured in situ, and
probed with wild-type Ran·[α32P]GTP alone, wild-type
Ran·[α-32P]GTP + RanBP1, or
E1-Ran·[α-32P]GTP alone. Filters were subjected to
autoradiography for 3 h. Mobilities of size markers in kDa are
indicated on the left. The duplicate Coomassie blue-stained gel shows
the relative intactness of the karyopherin β preparations. (B) Dot
blot assay. One- or 0.4-μg samples of nondenatured GST-RanBP1, GST,
karyopherin β, and Δ karyopherin β were spotted directly onto
nitrocellulose and probed with wild type and E1-Ran charged with
[α-32P]GTP in the presence or absence of
added RanBP1 as indicated on the left. Filters were subjected to
autoradiography for 4 h. The 1-μg and 0.4-μg labels on the
right indicate the protein content of the adjacent eight dots.