Stimulation of nucleotide exchange on wild-type
and E1-Ran in the presence of RCC1. (A) Recombinant wild-type
Ran·[α-32P]GTP (∼1 μM, ○, •) or
E1-Ran·[α-32P]GTP (∼1 μM, □, ▪) proteins were
incubated in the presence (•, ▪) or absence (○, □) of 0.2 μM
RCC1. All reactions contained 1 mM unlabeled GDP. At the indicated
times, the percentage of 32P still bound to Ran was
determined (see MATERIALS AND METHODS). (B) Recombinant wild-type
Ran·[β-35S]GDP (∼1 μM, ○, •) or
E1-Ran·[β35S]GDP (∼1 μM, □, ▪) proteins were
incubated in the presence (•, ▪) or absence (○, □) of 0.2 μM
RCC1. All reactions contained 1 mM unlabeled GTP. At the indicated
times, the percentage of 35S still bound to Ran was