Effect of mutation F61A on INDOPY-1 inhibition of DNA synthesis complex formation. A, DNA synthesis on a DNA/DNA substrate by WT or F61A mutant RT is monitored in the absence or presence of INDOPY-1 over a time course (0–5 min). The lowest band shows the non-elongated radiolabeled primer, and the highest band shows the full-length DNA product. B, band shift assays were performed on a DNA/DNA substrate with the F61A mutant RT. A ternary complex was formed with the addition of a concentration gradient (0–6000 nm) of either dGTP (left panel) or INDOPY-1 (right panel). Lane 1 represents the negative RT control and lanes 2 and 3 are pre-RT heparin addition and negative heparin controls, respectively. For obtained Kd(app) values refer to Table 2.