FIG. 1.
Physical maps of the lp54 ospAB locus in the B31-A3 WT, the ospA mutant, and the ospA restored strains. WT, segment of lp54 from bp 8750 to 11400, as indicated by numbers below the map (27), from locus tag BBA14 to BBA17 in clonal isolate A3-6. ospA1, mutation of ospA by insertion of a flaBP-kan marker (10) inserted in an internally deleted ospA gene via transformation of A3-6 with pOKOSPAKO (described in Materials and Methods), resulting in clone 2E6. ospA+B1, restoration of the ospA mutation by insertion of a flaBP-aacC1 marker (22) in an internally deleted ospB gene on the 3′ end of an intact ospA gene via transformation of 2E6 with pOKOSPA-C′ (described in Materials and Methods), resulting in clone 7A.