FIG. 4.
Intracellular localization of Salmonella in BM-DC is controlled by the function of the SPI2-T3SS. BM-DC from BALB/c mice were infected with Salmonella WT or an sseC-deficient strain (SPI2) at an MOI of 20. (A) Subcellular localization of intracellular Salmonella with respected to the MTOC. BM-DC were fixed 16 h after infection and processed for immunostaining of CD11c (blue), Salmonella (green), and γ-tubulin as a marker for the MTOC (red). Representative infected cells are shown. Note the distance between intracellular Salmonella and the MTOC. (B) Quantification of the distance between SCV and MTOC after infection of BM-DC with Salmonella WT and the SPI2 strain. At least 50 infected BM-DC are randomly selected, and the distance between MTOC and intracellular Salmonella was quantified by using Axiovision 4.5. Single Z sections of planes containing the SCV and the MTOC were used for these analyses. The mean and standard deviations of three independent experiments are shown.