Ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes in the cecal microbiota of NOD.MyD88KO/+ and NOD.MyD88KO mice who were or were not treated with Sulfatrim. Mean values per mouse ± s.e.m. Untreated NOD.MyD88KO mice had, on average, a significantly lower F/B ratio than all other mice combined (one-tailed t-test, t=-2.31, p=0.013). When comparing post-hoc the effect of sulfatrim in MyD88KO mice only, no significant difference in F/B ratios was observed (t= 0.85, p=0.20).
Abundance of members of three different bacterial families in the cecal contents of NOD.MyD88KO/+ and NOD.MyD88KO mice (not treated with Sulfatrim). Mean values ± s.e.m. Each of the three families is enriched in NOD.MyD88KO mice (Lactobacilliaceae t=-1.54, p=0.07, Porphyromonadaceae t=2.1, p=0.03, Rikenellaceae t=2.74, p=0.007; one-tailed t-test).
Clustering of mouse cecal bacterial communities using the unweighted UniFrac metric n=7,223 sequences. Diversity, not abundance of bacteria was taken into consideration. Top panel: Sulfatrim-treated litters. Bottom panel: Untreated litters. Line colors indicate families. Each label is a mouse: red labels are NOD.MyD88KO/+ (H); black labels are NOD.Myd88KO (K). The number is the common mother, S and N designate exposure to Sulfatrim or no Sulfatrim, respectively.
Histological examination of the pancreata of 8 wk old males from SPF NOD, GF NOD, as well as GF NOD and GF NOD.MyD88KO exposed from birth to microbiota of an SPF NOD.MyD88KO female. The percentages (mean ±s.e.m.) of affected islets with no infiltration (open bars), periinsulitis (blue bars) and true infiltration (combined grades II and III) are shown. p values were obtained using unpaired Student's t test. n, number of animals per group.