Table I.
Study Population Baseline Demographics
Characteristic | Entire Sample | Individuals who did not pursue testing | Individuals who pursued testing | U.S. Study Sites | Canada Study Sites |
Number of Individuals | 1001 | 918 | 83 | 875 | 126 |
Age | 41.8 [1001] | 41.7 [918] | 43.0 [83] | 42.1 [875] | 39.9‡ [126] |
Women [%] | 68.9% [1001] | 68.6% [918] | 72.3% [83] | 68.7% [875] | 69.9% [126] |
Years of education | 14.9 [1001] | 14.9 [918] | 15.5† [83] | 15.1 [875] | 13.8‡ [126] |
White [%] | 98.1% [1001] | 98.2% [918] | 96.4% [83] | 97.9% [875] | 99.2% [126] |
Any children [%] | 72.2% [724] | 72.1% [679] | 73.3% [45] | 72.8% [627] | 68.0% [97] |
Number of children, among those with children | 2.8 [537] | 2.8 [502] | 2.9 [35] | 2.8 [468] | 2.2 [69] |
Pursued genetic testing after enrollment | 8.3% [1001] | 0% [918] | 100% [83] | 8.3% [875] | 7.9% [126] |
Note: Sample sizes are noted in square brackets.
p<0.05 for comparison with the other group [column to the left]
p<0.01 for comparison with the other group [column to the left]