Figure 1.
FoxP3 expression of TGFβ-induced regulatory T cells. (A) CD4+ CD25− T cells were sorted from single cell suspensions and stimulated in vitro in the presence of rhTGFβ (5ng/ml) or anti-TGFβ (10μg/ml). Directly postsort and at day 3 and 7 the cells were stained for FoxP3 (black open histogram) and plotted against isotype control (grey filled histogram). (B) GFP− cells were sorted from single cell suspensions of Foxp3-GFP ‘knock-in’ mice and stimulated in vitro in the presence of rhTGFβ (5ng/ml). GFP was measured after sorting and on day 7. Numbers represent the percentage of cells in the gate. One representative experiment of at least 10 experiments with similar results is shown.