Figure 1. P. aeruginosa ExoS inhibition of bacterial internalization by HeLa cells is RhoGAP dependent.
HeLa cells were intoxicated with P. aeruginosa expressing ExoS derived constructs. A) Three hr post intoxication (pi), cells were collected, lysed in SDS-PAGE sample buffer, and subjected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted for HA, using Super Signal detection. GAPDH was also probed as a loading control. B) Three hr pi, cells were incubated with 300 μg/ml of Gentamycin for 1 hr to kill extracellular bacteria. Cells were then collected, washed and lysed in 1% Triton X-100 to release intracellular bacteria. Lysates were diluted serially, plated on LB agar to quantify the CFU of internalized bacteria. HeLa cells were pretreated with nocodazole (noco) or cytochalasin D (cytoD) for 0.5 hr, then infected with catalytic null pUCP-ExoS(R146K, E381/379D)-HA (G−A−) as negative or positive controls, respectively. Results were normalized with total cell number by LDH activity and reported as the average of three independent experiments. Constructs used: pUCP vector control (pUCP), catalytic null pUCP-ExoS(R146K, E381/379D)-HA (G−A−), wild type pUCP-ExoS-HA (G+A+), GAP only pUCP-ExoS-E381D-HA (G+), ADPr only pUCP-ExoS-R146K-HA (A+), truncated ExoS with GAP only pUCP-ExoS-1-234-HA, *, p<0.05, **, p<0.01.