IT IC effect on primary and distant tumor growth. Groups of A/J mice (five per group) were injected with 1 ×106 NXS2 cells on day 0 on the abdomen (primary tumor). A second injection of 1 × 106 NXS2 cells was placed on the opposite flank on day 4 (distant tumor). The abdominal tumor was treated IT with either 50 μl PBS or 15 μg hu14.18-IL2 on days 7–11, while the flank tumor was not treated. a Tumor volume of the IT hu14.18-IL2- or IT PBS-treated primary tumors (p = 0.001 for IT IC vs. IT PBS, day 16). Day 0 corresponds to implantation of the primary tumor. b Tumor volume of the non-treated distant tumor in animals where the primary tumor was treated with 15 μg IT hu14.18-IL2 or IT PBS (p = 0.007 for IT IC vs. IT PBS, day 16). Day 0 corresponds to implantation of the distant tumor (day 4 of primary tumor growth), where treatment of the primary tumor occurred on days 3–7 of distant tumor growth (days 7–11 of primary tumor growth). c Groups of A/J mice (three per group) were injected with 1 × 106 NXS2 cells on day 0 on the abdomen. Mice were treated with 15 μg IT hu14.18-IL2 or an equivalent dose of s.c. IC into the flank at a site away from the tumor. Tumor volume of the single abdominal tumor is shown (p = 0.04 for IT IC vs. s.c. IC, days 13–16)