(A) Examples of nuclear (blue; Hoechst), TUNEL (red), and macrophage (green) staining to differentiate macrophage-associated (left column of images) from free (right column of images) apoptotic cells in aortic root lesions of 16-wk diet-fed Apoe−/− and MertkKD;Apoe−/− mice, respectively. (B) Examples of merged nuclear, TUNEL, and macrophage-stained images differentiating macrophage-associated (top image) from free (bottom image) apoptotic cells in aortic root lesions of Apoe−/− and MertkKD;Apoe−/− mice, respectively. Arrows indicate apoptotic bodies. (C) Quantitation of the free-to-macrophage-associated ratio of apoptotic cells in the lesions of the two groups of mice (* indicates P<0.05).