Figure 9.
Intra-hepatic findings following 10 hour delay in immunoglobulin administration. Mice were administered i.v. 60 μg of immunoglobulin 10 hours following a lethal ricin challenge (40μg/kg), then euthanized at 48 or 72 hours subsequent to toxin exposure. Control mice were studied just before immunoglobulin administration; peri-portal and centro-lobular regions were studied. A. Number of PAS+ (carbohydrate-containing) cells per field. *, p<0.001, comparing mice receiving anti-ricin monoclonal antibody (equal quantities of RAC 17, 18, and 23), designated Ig(R), with those administered irrelevant antibody matched for quantity and isotype, denoted as Ig(I). #, no centro-lobular PAS+ hepatocytes observed at 48 hours in mice receiving Ig(I). B. Number of F4/80+ immuno-reactive macrophages per field. *, p<0.001, comparing the same groups as in A. C. Number of 7/4+ immuno-reactive neutrophils per field. No significant differences were found when mice receiving anti-ricin monoclonal immunoglobulin were compared to those receiving irrelevant immunoglobulin. For A, B, and C, results are representative of two independent studies, each with 2 mice per time point (total of 4 mice per time point).