Figure 1.
Aplysia Src1 and Src2 are two novel Src family PTKs. (A) Amino acid sequence alignment of A. californica (Ap) Src1 and Src2 with C. elegans (Ce) Src1, D. melanogaster (Dm) Src42A, and Homo sapiens (Hs) Src. Identical amino acids in red; amino acids conserved in at least three sequences in blue. Domains are assigned based on human Src. Triangle, conserved glycine at position 2. Boxes, conserved tyrosine residues at the autophosphorylation site (Src1 Y394, Src2 Y407) and in the C-terminal tail (Src1 Y509, Src2 Y518). Bold and underlined: peptide sequences that were used for antibody generation. (B) Domain organization of Src PTKs. Left, percentage of amino acid identities between Aplysia Src1 and Src2, C. elegans Src1, and human Src by domains and as full-length protein. Right, percentage of amino acid identities between Aplysia Src2 and Src1, D. melanogaster Src42A, and human Src.