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. 2008 Sep;69(5):695–702. doi: 10.15288/jsad.2008.69.695


Differences between women and men problem and nonproblem drinkers in the percentages reporting exposure to social influences and stressors

Situation Problem-drinking group Nonproblem-drinking group Problem vs nonproblem

Women (n = 89) Men (n = 262) x2 Women (n = 258) Men (n = 222) x2 Women x2 Men x2
Social influences
 Peer's drinking 87 90 0.87 69 68 0.12 10.38 37.70
 Partners's drinking 81 52 23.69 55 31 26.49 19.37 20.60
Stressors and emotional distress
 Family interpersonal problems 80 64 7.49 58 37 21.95 13.04 35.56
 Financial, legal problems 53 54 0.05 39 28 6.30* 5.28* 34.01
 Workplace problem 29 41 4.06* 19 24 2.20 4.29* 15.41
 Health problems 54 63 2.28 63 56 2.44 2.22 2.53
 Death of someone close 75 59 7.76 68 53 11.41 1.73 1.80
 Emotional distress 82 52 25.01 52 32 18.99 25.08 19.49

p < .05;

p < .01;

p < .001.