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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2008 Oct 29.
Published in final edited form as: J Vestib Res. 2008;18(1):51–58.

Table 2.

Vestibular Findings in Families with Known DFNA Gene Mutations

Locus/Gene Reference Mutation Testing Method & # of Individuals Tested Findings Author Conclusion/Comment
CRYM 1 p.K314T, p.X315Y Caloric on 1 affected person with the X315Y mutation. Normal caloric. No vestibular involvement for all affected individuals.
ESPN 11 p.S719R
Routine vestibular tests. 1–2 individuals tested per mutation. No vestibular involvement. No vestibular involvement.
DFNA1, DIAPH1 20 Splice donor, gt-to-gg, FS Caloric, VAT, & oculomotor. 3 affected individuals tested. All normal, except 1 person with unilateral caloric weakness. None of the affected members report vestibular disturbances.
DFNA2, KCNQ4 21 p.W276S Caloric, VST, & oculomotor.
37 affected individuals tested.
3 of 37 showed unilateral caloric weakness.
13 of 37 showed VOR hyperactivity, 4 of these 13 reported motion sickness, 1 of these 13 reported transient vertigo. 1 of the other 37 also reported transient vertigo.
Oculomotor normal except for 1 of 37.
Vestibular system was functional throughout life of these patients. No bilateral caloric weakness. VOR hyperactivity is puzzling, may be a central abnormality.
2 p.W276S Caloric.
5 affected individuals tested.
1 of 5 showed unilateral caloric weakness.
2 of 5 reported vertigo.
1 of 5 reported an epilepsy episode.
Further discussion needed to reach a conclusion as whether epilepsy is component of KCNQ4 mutation.
7 p.W276S Caloric & VST.
11 affected individuals tested.
3 of 11 showed VOR hyperactivity, 2 of 3 reported motion sickness. 2 of 11 showed VOR hypoactivity but had normal calorics. VOR hyperactivity may be explained by release from central inhibition. In mice, KCNQ4 is expressed in vestibular nuclei.
DFNA3, GJB2 31 5 different mutations Caloric & VEMP.
1 person w/each mutation tested
Normal calorics, 3 of 5 with absent VEMP, 1 of these 3 reported unsteadiness. In most cases, saccular defect is well compensated for by patient.
22 T55N Caloric & VEMP.
6 affected individuals tested.
5 of 6 with abnormal caloric.
4 of 6 with abnormal VEMP.
Vestibular dysfunction associated with Cx26 mutation for first time.
DFNA4, MYH14 23 p.S120L Caloric.
5 generation family.
Normal caloric findings. Normal caloric findings.
10 p.G376C, p.R726S, p.L976F Do not indicate testing method.
Individuals from 3 different families.
Hearing loss without vestibular involvement. Hearing loss without vestibular involvement.
DFNA5 8 Exon 8 skip, premat. stop Caloric & VST.
4 affected individuals tested.
Response parameter values of 4 patients were normal w/few exceptions. No vestibular symptoms.
3 Exon 8 skip, premat. stop VOR.
6 affected individuals tested.
Vestibular symptoms not self reported.
1 of 6 with hyperactive VOR.
Vestibular function was generally normal.
DFNA6/14, WFS1 13 p.L829P Caloric & oculomotor.
4 generation family.
Oculomotor & caloric tests did not show any consistent deficits. No significant abnormalities.
19 p.T699M Caloric, VST, & oculomotor.
20 affected family members.
19 of 20 w/normal oculomotor, 15 of 17 w/normal caloric, 1 of 15 w/VOR hyporeflexia, 6 of 15 showed VOR hyperreflexia. With few exceptions, vestibular function was intact.
27 p.G674V Caloric, VST, & oculomotor.
2 affected family members.
Normal oculomotor and vestibular responses. No substantial vestibular symptoms.
32 p.T699M Caloric & oculomotor.
4 affected individuals tested.
Normal oculomotor and caloric responses. Normal vestibular responses.
DFNA8/12, TECTA 14 p.R2021H Caloric.
4 affected individuals tested.
All affected members had normal vestibular function. All affected members had normal vestibular function.
28 p.R1890C, p.T83M VST & oculomotor.
4 affected individuals tested.
Intact horizontal VOR, 2 people w/long time constant. Normal oculomotor.
No vestibular symptoms.
Given TECTA is expressed in otolith membrane, otolith-testing paradigms should be considered.
DFNA9, COCH 6 p.P51S Do not indicate testing method.
6 affected individuals tested.
Vestibular tests disclosed complete areflexia in 5 individuals & severe hyporeflexia in 1. Patients experienced instability esp in dark & head movement-dependent oscillopsia.
17 p.V66G Caloric, 3 affected individuals. 2 with absent bithermal caloric responses.
1 with unilaterally absent caloric responses.
Vestibular complaints.
33 p.A119T Caloric, 1 affected individual. Bilateral decreased response. Recurrent dizziness & vertigo.
24 p.V104del Do not indicate testing method.
1 affected individual.
Total cochleovestibular areflexia in both ears. Patient reports severe vertigo, nausea, & vomiting.
15 p.G88E Caloric, oculomotor, VST.
10 affected individuals.
2 showed vestibular areflexia, 1 showed bilateral caloric weakness, 1 showed asymmetric responses to caloric testing. Instability especially in dark, vertigo, & tendency to fall.
29 p.C542F Caloric, oculomotor, VST, SOT, VEMP, CDP
3 affected individuals tested.
Central oculomotor dysfunction, progressive vestibular hypofunction, absent VEMP responses. Vestibular symptoms not noticed until after the 4th decade of life.
25 p.G87W Caloric, oculomotor, VST.
12 affected individuals.
2 of 10 affected individuals showed vestibular areflexia. Instability especially in dark, vertigo, & tendency to fall.
26 p.I109T Caloric, oculomotor, VST.
7 affected individuals.
1 of 7 showed complete vestibular areflexia. Instability especially in dark, vertigo, & tendency to fall.
DFNA11, MYO7A 30 del p.A886, K887, K888 Caloric & spontaneous nystagmus.
5 affected individuals tested.
3 of 5 showed caloric hyporeflexia.
3 of 5 showed spontaneous nystagmus.
No vestibular symptoms.
5 p.R853C Do not indicate testing method.
5 affected individuals tested.
Mild vestibular dysfunction found in 1 of 5 patients. Mild vestibular dysfunction found in 1 of 5 patients.
4 N458I Caloric & VST.
6 affected individuals tested.
Vestibular symptoms and dysfunction reported & found in 4 of 6 patients. Vestibular dysfunction not fully penetrant & likely progressive.
9 p.A230V Do not indicate testing method.
3 affected individuals tested.
Vestibular bilateral areflexia in all 3 patients. Minor vestibular problems.
DFNA13, COL11A2 18 p.G323E Caloric & VST.
17 affected individuals tested.
Abnormal caloric in 8 of 17, 4 of 17 w/VOR hyperactivity, all w/normal oculomotor. No substantial vestibular impairment symptoms.
DFNA20/26, ACTG1 12 p.T89I Interview & neurologic exam. No evidence of vestibular dysfunction was observed during neurologic exam. Neither proband nor relatives report vestibular problems.
16 p.T278I Caloric, VST, oculomotor, COR.
7 affected individuals.
Normal calorics, 2 people with VOR hyporeflexia, 1 with enhanced COR. No or very limited vestibular involvement.

FS, frameshift; VAT, vestibular autorotation; VST, vestibular step test; VOR, vestibulo-ocular reflex; VEMP, vestibular evoked myogenic potential; Cx26; connexin-26; Premat., premature; SOT, sinusoidal oscillation test; CDP, computerized dynamic posturography; COR, cervico-ocular reflex