ODC and cytoskeletal organization in cytochalasin
D–treated NHEK. To determine the effects of remodeling the
cytoskeleton on ODC organization, NHEK were treated with 1 μg/ml
cytochalasin D for 6 h, stained for ODC (B, E, or H) and actin
(A), tubulin (D), or keratin (G), and optically sectioned by confocal
laser-scanning microscopy, and corresponding images were superimposed
to determine the degrees of overlap (C, F, or I;
orange-yellow). Superposition of actin (A) with ODC (B) showed only
minimal areas of overlap (C). Tubulin (D) and ODC (E) staining showed
nonspecific areas of overlap (F). Keratin (G) and ODC (H) exhibited
extensive overlap throughout the cells (I). Bars: A–C, D–F, and G–I,
10 μm.