Subcellular fractionation of radiolabeled ODC. (A)
[35S]methionine-labeled NHEK lysate that had been treated
with vehicle or 100 ng/ml TPA for 6 h was fractionated by
detergent and salt extractions. Immunoprecipitable ODC protein was
detectable in all fractions, with TPA treatment decreasing ODC levels,
as we have reported previously (Ruhl et al., 1994). (B)
NHEK were then labeled with [32P]orthophosphate and
fractionated, and ODC was immunoprecipitated. Three bands were visible
in the Ins Pellet fraction, one at the appropriate molecular size for
ODC and the other two for keratins. (C) To determine whether the
presence of the keratin bands was caused by specific interactions with
ODC, the insoluble protein in the fractions was pelleted by
ultracentrifugation, and ODC was immunoprecipitated from the resulting
supernatant. No ODC was immunoprecipitated after this procedure. The
lack of signal was not caused by degradation of the extract, as is
shown in the Pellet column in which multiple phosphoproteins are
apparent. Sol, soluble.