Fig. 8.
IBTX has no effect on the contractility of UBSM strips isolated from the BK-KO mice. A: original recordings illustrating the lack of effect of IBTX (200 nM) on the contractility of a UBSM strip isolated from the BK-KO mouse. Phasic and tonic contractions were induced by addition of 20 mM K+ in the bath solution. B: summary data illustrating the effect of IBTX (200 nM) on contraction amplitude (CA), contraction frequency (CF), muscle force (MF), and muscle tone (MT) in UBSM strips isolated from BK-KO mice. Data are normalized to the 20 mM K+-induced contractions (control). Values are means ± SE (n = 5). P > 0.05 (paired test).