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. 2008 Nov 1;58(556):e1–e9. doi: 10.3399/bjgp08X342651

Table 2.

Mean adjusted scores for primary and secondary outcomes over 24 months.

Outcome measures MRI group, mean (SE) Orthopaedic group, mean (SE) Difference (95% CI) P-value
Primary outcomes
 SF-36 Physical functioning 72.23 (1.50) 69.41 (1.52) 2.81 (−0.26 to 5.89) 0.072
 KQoL-26 Physical functioning 75.72 (1.28) 72.07 (1.30) 3.65 (1.03 to 6.28) 0.007
 KQoL-26 Activity limitations 76.74 (1.60) 74.62 (1.63) 2.13 (−1.15 to 5.41) 0.20
 KQoL-26 Emotional functioning 71.76 (1.58) 69.16 (1.61) 2.60 (−0.63 to 5.84) 0.11

Secondary outcomes
 SF-36 Social functioning 79.48 (1.53) 79.13 (1.56) 0.35 (−2.81 to 3.51) 0.83
 SF-36 Role physical 74.98 (1.77) 73.97 (1.80) 1.01 (−2.62 to 4.64) 0.59
 SF-36 Role emotional 84.82 (1.53) 83.00 (1.55) 1.82 (−1.32 to 4.97) 0.26
 SF-36 Mental 72.74 (1.08) 72.38 (1.10) 0.36 (−1.87 to 2.59) 0.75
 SF-36 Vitality 54.53 (1.22) 53.85 (1.24) 0.68 (−1.84 to 3.19) 0.60
 SF-36 Pain 66.85 (1.54) 65.63 (1.56) 1.23 (−1.95 to 4.41) 0.45
 SF-36 General Health 68.46 (1.06) 67.63 (1.08) 0.83 (−1.36 to 3.02) 0.46

MRI = magnetic resonance imaging. SE = standard error. SF-36 = Short Form 36-item health survey questionnaire. KQoL-26 = Knee Quality of Life 26-item Questionnaire.