Inhibition by GTN of ALDH2-catalyzed dehydrogenation of
acetaldehyde. Panel A shows a time trace for the formation of
NADH from NAD+, monitored at 340 nm. At t = 0 the cuvette
contained 0.2 mm acetaldehyde and 0.2 mm NAD+
in 50 mm potassium Pi (pH 7.4). At t = 80 s,
catalysis was initiated by the addition of 33 μg/ml ALDH2. Inactivation
started at t = 480 s by the addition of 0.05 mm GTN. After
inactivation of the enzyme, at t = 1160 s, an attempt was made to
restore activity by the addition of 1 mm DTT. The dots
represent the data points, whereas the continuous lines are best fits
to the data. Linear fits were applied to the phases before (no catalysis
(-0.10 ± 0.06) × 10-4 absorbance units
(a.u.)/s), and after ALDH2 addition (initial activity, (8.03 ±
0.05) × 10-4 a.u./s), and to the activity after DTT admission
(restored activity (1.378 ± 0.006) × 10-4 a.u./s); for
the inactivation after GTN addition a combination of a single exponential and
a linear fit was applied (apparent inactivation rate constant (7.77 ±
0.06) × 10-3 s-1; residual activity (0.133
± 0.007) × 10-4 a.u./s). Panel B compares the
residual and restored rates of acetaldehyde dehydrogenation after addition of
GTN and DTT, respectively. Experimental conditions: 33 μg/ml ALDH2, 0.43
mm acetaldehyde, 0.4 mm NAD+, 0.4
mm DTT, and concentrations of GTN as indicated in 50 mm
potassium Pi (pH 7.4). Initial dehydrogenase activities under the
conditions applied here amounted to 289 ± 13 nmol min-1
mg-1, which corresponds to a turnover number of 69 ± 3