Effects of thiols on the inactivation of dehydrogenation by GTN.
Panel A, restoration by different thiols of ALDH2-catalyzed
dehydrogenation after inactivation by GTN. Plotted are the relative residual
activities (vresidual/vinitial) after
inactivation by 0.1 mm GTN and the relative restored activities
(vrestored/vinitial) after addition of
1 mm DTT, LPA-H2, or GSH. Initial conditions: 25
μg/ml ALDH2, 0.45 mm acetaldehyde, and 0.4 mm
NAD+ in 0.2 m potassium Pi (pH 7.4).
Panel B, protection by DTT of dehydrogenase activity against
GTN-mediated inactivation. The figure shows representative time traces of the
ALDH2-catalyzed formation of NADH, as monitored at 340 nm before and after
addition of GTN in the presence or absence of DTT. Experimental conditions: 33
μg/ml ALDH2, 0.45 mm acetaldehyde, 0.4 mm
NAD+, and 0.1 mm GTN with or without 1 mm DTT
in 50 mm potassium Pi (pH 7.4).