Fig. 2.
Immunofluorescence localization of extensins in tobacco embryos. The extensins in the embryos at different development stages were immunostained with JIM20 monoclonal antibody. (A–F) Fluorescent images and (a–f) the corresponding bright-field micrographs. The embryo proper and suspensor were indicated respectively by an arrow and an arrowhead in (d). (A) A faint signal was detected in the two-celled embryos at the bottom of the based cell. (B) An early globular embryo with uniform fluorescence labelling. (C) A late globular embryo showing fluorescence labelling in the apex of embryo proper (EP) and suspensor cells. (D) The fluorescence labelling is strong in the suspensor cells, but disappears in the apex of embryo proper in an early heart-shaped embryo. (E) In a late heart-shaped embryo, the fluorescence is strong, especially in the shortened suspensor. (F) In the torpedo-shaped embryo, the fluorescence is mainly present in the shoot apical meristem. Bar=20 μm. (This figure is available in colour at JXB online.)