(A and B) Sca-1+Lineage−c-kit+CD48− HSCs isolated from the bone marrow of neonatal Mx-1-Cre+Sox17fl/GFP mice 5 days after pIpC treatment exhibited normal cell-cycle distribution relative to littermate controls (A) but a 3-fold increased frequency of cells undergoing cell death (Annexin V+; B).
(C–F) GFP+ (Sox17-expressing) and GFP− (Sox17-non-expressing) Sca-1+Lineage−c-kit+CD48− HSCs were isolated from the bone marrow of 3.5 to 4 week-old Sox17GFP/+ mice. GFP− Sca-1+Lineage−c-kit+CD48− HSCs were dividing less rapidly (D), and failed to express AA4.1 (E) or Mac-1 (F), consistent with an adult HSC phenotype. In contrast, GFP+ Sca-1+Lineage−c-kit+CD48− HSCs were more rapidly dividing (D), and expressed AA4.1 (E) and Mac-1 (F), consistent with a fetal HSC phenotype.