PGM isoform patterns in potato and Arabidopsis as revealed by native PAGE followed by enzyme activity staining. Extracts from leaves (A) or growing tubers (B) of two overexpressing (lines A and B) and two underexpressing (lines C and D) transgenic lines from potato and from wild-type plants (wt) were separated by native PAGE. In A, 20 μg of protein was loaded in each lane; in B, 30 μg of tuber protein was applied per lane; in C, 20 μg of protein from leaves of Arabidopsis wild type (ecotype Columbia) or from the mutant lacking the plastidial PGM (p-pgm) was loaded in each lane. Following electrophoresis, the slab gel was stained for PGM activity. In A and B, the three PGM forms were designated 1 (having the highest mobility) to 3 (lowest mobility). Plastidial (white arrowheads) and cytosolic (black arrowheads) isozymes of PGM are marked. The location of form 2 (diamonds) remains to be clarified. In C, the white arrowhead marks the plastidial PGM isozyme (band I) and the two closed arrowheads (bands II and III) mark the two cPGM isozymes.