Figure 5.
[U-14C]Glc-dependent labeling of heteroglycans in potato tuber discs. A, Following 2 or 4 h of incubation with uniformally labeled [U-14C]Glc (Table II), SHGL was isolated and separated into subfraction I (which is Yariv nonreactive and, therefore, remains in the supernatant; YÜ) and subfraction II (which is pelleted by the Yariv reagent; YP). For each subfraction, the total carbohydrate content was determined (as Glc equivalents) and the radioactivity was quantified. For each line, the average of three experiments and sd are given. B, An aliquot of SHGL that had been isolated after 4 h of incubation was subjected to acid hydrolysis, and the monosaccharides released were resolved by HPAEC-PAD. In the eluate, each monosaccharide was collected separately, and the total content of radioactivity of each eluate fraction was determined. For each line, the average of three independently performed experiments and the sd are given. Abbreviations are as in Figure 3.