Figure 2.
The triple mutant phyB;D;E suppresses the late flowering of Col-FRI without lowering FLC expression. A, Flowering time in high R:FR conditions (white bars; R:FR approximately 5) and low R:FR conditions (gray bars; R:FR approximately 0.15). Plants were grown in LD cycles (16 h of light/8 h of dark). Error bars represent sd. B, Representative plants from A. All four plants in each panel were photographed at the same time. C, Transcript levels in 9-d-old seedlings assayed by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Seeds were germinated in continuous white light for 5 d and then either left in these high R:FR conditions for 4 d (R:FR approximately 6) or exposed to far-red-enriched light for 4 d (R:FR approximately 0.04) prior to tissue collection. UBQ, UBIQUITIN loading control.