Figure 3.
The cellular anatomy of csld2 is normal apart from the altered root hair phenotype. A and B, Images showing resin-embedded roots from 12-d-old wild-type Col-0 (A) and csld2-1 (B) seedlings. Overall cellular patterning was normal in csld2-1 roots, and apart from root hairs (rh), all cells had normal morphologies, including atrichoblast epidermal cells (e) and cortical cells (c). C, High-magnification image of a section through a root of csld2-1 showing root hair, atrichoblast epidermal cells, and cortical cells. Double arrows indicate the region of root hair walls that are thickened or of variable thickness. D to L, Transmission electron microscopy of cell walls from wild-type Col-0 (D–F and J), csld2-1 (G–I), csld2-2 (K), and csld3-2 (L). Images were taken of equivalent flank (D, E, G, and H) and tip (F and I) regions of wild-type Col-0 and csld2-1 root hairs. In J to L, note the diffuse appearance of csld2-2 and csld3-2 walls compared with wild-type Col-0 walls. Bars = 50 μm (A–C), 0.2 μm (D–I), and 0.1 μm (J–L).