OG-induced resistance to B. cinerea is independent of AtrbohD and PMR4. A, Arabidopsis Col-0 (wild type), atrbohD, and pad3 plants were treated with a control solution (white bars) or OGs (black bars) and inoculated with B. cinerea 24 h after treatment. B, Arabidopsis Col-0 (wild type) and pmr4 plants were treated with a control solution (white bars) or OGs (black bars) and inoculated with B. cinerea 24 h after treatment. Lesion areas were measured 48 h after inoculation. Values are means ± se of at least 14 lesions. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences between control and OG-treated plants, according to Student's t test (*, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.01). Numbers above bars represent the average reduction of lesion size (%) of OG-treated plants with respect to control-treated plants. The experiments were repeated at least twice with similar results.