Figure 1.
Pretreatment with 17α–estradiol attenuates neonatal muscimol-induced impairment on water maze task. Neonatal muscimol administration resulted in deficits in water maze performance in both males (A) and females (B). While 17β-estradiol pretreatment was without effect on the muscimol-induced deficits in performance, 17α–estradiol attenuated the deleterious effects of muscimol in animals of both sexes. On all trial blocks, 17α–estradiol + muscimol treated animals displayed performance equivalent to vehicle treated animals. Data represent the mean latency to find the “hidden” escape platform ± SEM values, obtained from 5 animals in each group. Data is grouped into trial blocks, with each trial block representing four individual trials. * indicates significant difference from vehicle treated animals (Tukey; p<0.05).