Figure 8.
Fractional interfacial coverage (θ) and subinterfacial tetramer concentration (Y = CTS/CT∞) vs. time for a Lac28 concentration of 150 μM (monomer equivalent). Parameter values in Eq. 14 are: for θ < 0.80, DLac28/kaλ = 0.0177 and kaCTλ2/ΓTmaxDLac28 = 56.4 corresponding to an arbitrarily large ka = 175 × 10−5 m/s; for θ ≥ 0.80, DLac28/kaλ = 177.0 and kaCT∞λ2/ΓTmaxDLac28 = 0.00564 corresponding to the estimated value of ka = 175 × 10−9 m/s.