Fig. 4.
Self-assembly of FTBC-C12 on HOPG. (A) Large-scale STM image showing both lamellar and pseudohoneycomb structures denoted as A and B. B1 and B2 are 2 mirror-symmetric domains. The boundaries are marked by white dashed lines. Vbias = 984 mV; It = 503 pA. (B) High-resolution STM image of domain A (lamellar structure). Vbias = 850 mV; It = 410 pA. (C and D) High-resolution STM images of domains B1 (C) and B2 (D) (pseudohoneycomb structure). A chiral adlayer is corresponded between the 2 domains. (C) Vbias = 880 mV; It = 500 pA. (D) Vbias = 850 mV; It = 498 pA. (E–G) Structural models for the ordered adlayers of A, B1, and B2. In F and G, the structural models show the mirror symmetry in B1 and B2. (H and I) Possible hydrogen bonds between the neighboring molecules indicated by black dashed lines in lamellar and pseudohoneycomb structures, respectively.