Figure 3.
The sis7-1/sto1-4/nced3-4 mutation confers a paclobutrazol-resistant phenotype. Col wild-type and sis7-1/sto1-4/nced3-4 seeds were stratified for 3 d and then sown on media containing 30, 60 or 240 μM paclobutrazol and incubated at 25°C under continuous light conditions. Germination rates on minimal media were also checked and found to be consistently high, indicating a high rate of viability in the seeds used for these experiments (data not shown). Seed germination was scored at the indicated time points. Germination is defined as the emergence of the radicle from the seed coat. Data represent the means of three independent assays. The error bars represent standard deviations. The spy-3 [36] seeds were included as a positive control.