Differential PRL release from vis and sc adipose explants and the effect of obesity. Three left panels, CM were collected from quadruplicate vis and sc explant cultures on the designated days and analyzed for PRL by the Nb2 bioassay. Values shown are means ± sem. *, P < 0.05 between paired sc and vis samples. Right panel, Time-dependent increase in PRL release from mature sc adipocytes from a nonobese patient. Metabolic activity was determined by the Resazurin fluorometric assay. RFU, relative fluorescent units. #, Significant difference (P < 0.05) compared with d 1. Each value is a mean ± sem of four replicates. This is a representative experiment that was repeated with mature adipocytes harvested from three different patients and shows similar results. BMI is expressed in kilograms per meter2 (mean ± sem).